Confessions of a Procrastinating Clutter Bug

For Christmas, I bought my husband, Rick, a valet for his dresser to house his keys, cell phone, loose change, etc. Actually, I bought two. After my friend, Cara, told me they had some inexpensive ones at TJ Maxx (one of my favorite haunts), I headed over there and picked up a lone cherry one in a sea of black valets.
Once I got home, I realized black would actually look better. But instead of exchanging it like a normal person, I just picked up a new one because Rick was with me and I didn’t want him to get wise.
Today rolls around and it’s pretty much my last chance to return it because of the 30-day policy. I actually took a lunch and headed to the TJ’s near my office. After waiting in line, I found out I had the receipt for the black one, so I couldn’t return it. Story of my life.

• A softball newsletter back from my Atlanta days. There’s a picture in it I’ve been meaning to scan so I can email it to one of my former teammates who asked about it probably 3 years ago.
• Paperwork from the OB-GYN I got at my first visit in October that I was supposed to fill out within a week. Oops.
• Cards and envelopes from Christmas 2005 that I’ve been meaning to use to update my address book as well as to send replies*.
• A copy of the 2005 Christmas card we sent – still haven’t created, no less mailed out, the 2006 version*. But I did buy over 100 stamps back in September to send them out with, so I’ve got that going for me.
• An extremely cool invitation to a Red Egg & Ginger Luncheon for my friend’s newborn (at the time) that was to take place on September 10th. I was to RSVP by August 25th. *sigh* To make matters worse, the baby gift is still unwrapped, in our bedroom.
• Lottery tickets from August ’06 whose numbers I have still yet to check. I could’ve been a millionaire by now!
• Scratch off lottery tickets we received as wedding gifts back in June of 2004. We actually won a few dollars, and I still haven’t turned them back in for new ones.*
• Two coupons for free ice cream cones from UDF that I had for a full year and a half before they expired on 12/31/06. In 18 months, I couldn’t manage to get a free cone. Hard to believe.
• And the list goes on.
If you have a similar story, I’d love to hear it. I think it would make me feel a little better to know I’m in good company. And if you're interested, I did find the receipt in all this and successfully returned the extra valet.
* Items I don’t technically think are solely my responsibility, so I’m attempting to relinquish at least some of the guilt.
At 8:14 AM,
Cara said…
Mine would be the drawer full of photos that I need to organize into a photo album. And then there are the tons of digital pictures we have saved on the computer that I need to save on to CDs before our computer crashes and we loose them all.
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