Taking the House by Storm

The trials and tribulations of the average gal trying to navigate through life, love and the pursuit of domestic bliss.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Not Well-Versed In The Art Of Crisped Rice

Yes, it's true. I literally had to look up the recipe for Rice Krispies Treats.

Sad, I know.

I've eaten plenty in my day, but rarely do I myself fire up a batch. I rely on my GLOJAG pals (a group of girls I met while working together several years ago) to make RKTs, as we like to call them. We're getting together this weekend for a camping outing and while at the grocery store, I got a wild hair while walking down the baking aisle.

Of course, I bought the store brand of crisped rice (now that I'm officially a stay-at-home mom, I have to watch my pennies even more) so I had to look up the 'recipe.' Oddly enough, the number one listing on Google was from cookingforengineers.com.

Pretty funny. They turned a 3-ingredient recipe into a page-long diatribe, complete with pictures, graph-like directions and 98 messages thus far. Plus, I learned that Mildred Day, a Kellogg employee, created the recipe back in 1941 for a Camp Fire Girls fundraiser. Who knew?

Mistrusting girl that I am, though, I also went to the source, Kellogg's, just to confirm those brainy types had it right - they did. While I was there, checking out the recipe exchange to see if they had all the combos one of my friends co-workers likes to whip up, I saw one of my favorite cookie recipes of all time - Date Balls.

My mom makes them for the holidays. My dad says they look like horse turds, but I don't care. They taste fantastic and they'll keep you regular. So next time you want to do something a little different with your crisped rice, give them a try.


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