Taking the House by Storm

The trials and tribulations of the average gal trying to navigate through life, love and the pursuit of domestic bliss.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Perfect For Stuffing

I'm sitting here, about 8 hours before our holiday party's to begin (provided the 'white death' doesn't prevent all of our guests from venturing out tonight) looking for stocking ideas. Not sure why; I have tons of other stuff that I actually need to get done in the next 8 hours.

But as I was trying to find a clever way to display our Christmas cards before our guests arrive (still haven't, so if you have any ideas, I'm open to them), I stumbled upon a cute stocking idea on marthastewart.com.

Our little darling is on the brink of celebrating his first Christmas, and he has no stocking. My mom knitted my immediate family's and I was hoping she'd do the same initially for my loving husband, and now for our bundle of joy, but apparently, she only has half the instructions.

Suffice it to say, I found this cute idea. Unfortunately, it is extremely unlikely I'll have the time to get on it before St. Nick jumps down our chimney, but I wanted to pass it along in case you did. Happy crafting!


  • At 1:09 PM, Blogger divaqueen said…

    I am SO lame with the Christmas decorations this year. If we had kids I'm sure I would drag up the huge tree & go all out, but with our "child" we have now I haven't had the time or the energy. I did manage to find our tiny fiberoptic Christmas tree & some small decorations. Two of them are ornaments that we received at previous ornament parties! (a Rudolph/Hermie & Elvis) I haven't even started my Christmas cards & probably won't get them sent by Christmas...if at all! At least our Christmas cactus bloomed this year & looks beautiful! It hasn't bloomed in about 3 years! We'll definitely be there this evening if it doesn't get too icy!

  • At 1:13 PM, Blogger divaqueen said…

    Oh yeah, the whole point of replying to this post was about displaying Christmas cards. (It doesn't take much these days to throw me off track!) I have a little card holder I hang on a door. Katheryn just tapes her cards around the archways between the rooms in her house. I don't know if you would want to do that as the tape could possibly take off paint when you take them down. A simple & decorative solution, but maybe not so practical.

  • At 6:06 PM, Blogger Cara said…

    Here's what I do with our cards. I string up some lights above our inside entry and then clip the cards to the strand. Your could probably do it on your kitchen entry or dining room entry.

    I want new stockings for my family, too. I was thinking about waiting to buy them at PotteryBarnKids.com after the holidays were over. But, I like Martha's ideas, too.


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