Where does the time go?

Really, the title should be: WHY AM I SUCH A FREAKIN’ PROCRASTINATOR??? I am driving myself insane. The latest: FSA – our flexible spending account.
After my miscarriage early last year, everyone told me I’d get pregnant again right away. I believed them. So when I took a new job that offered an FSA, I jumped on it to the tune of $2K.
I figured since the insurance my hubby’s on makes us pay $2500 out-of-pocket for delivery expenses, that it was a good round number. Coupled with any of the dental work the Rickster was planning to have done, it probably really wouldn’t even cover it.
Well, low and behold, I didn’t birth any babies last year and as it turns out, his insurance is pretty good (at least it was last year), so we didn’t really have to pay for much, much to my surprise. So we’ll be lucky if we recoup 75% of what we squirreled away.
To make matters worse, we have until the end of March to turn in our receipts. Of course, we don’t have any. So I’ve been calling around to every healthcare professional I can think of to see if they have a record of us paying anything. So I got those together.
Nothing like waiting til the last minute. Tick-tock, everybody. Wish me luck – I think it’s going to be a late night.
At 7:01 AM,
divaqueen said…
Hang in there girl! I hope you were able to find enough receipts! I always spent my FSA money at the eye doctor!
At 1:25 AM,
Angie @ Many Little Blessings said…
Hope it ended well (or as well as can be expected). Last year was our first year doing a FSA, and we just put in $360. We had used it all by February. LOL This year, we did $500, and I believe we are around $200 into it. I really should put more in, I suspect!
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