A Bouquet of Flours
Over the months (dare I say years?), I’ve accumulated quite the collection of flours. I’ve got wheat flour, oat flour, self-rising flour, bread flour and cake flour. Ironically, when setting the scene for this ‘photo shoot,’ I realized I didn’t have any more run-of-the-mill (haha) all-purpose flour. The stuff I actually use. Had to pick up a 5-pounder today.
Anyway, you might ask yourself: why would anyone have all of these, especially when they haven’t opened any of them?
Let’s just say the road to hell is paved with good intentions and a wide variety of flours.
But if we really want to get to the root of the problem, it boils down to being overly ambitious. A newsletter arrives in my inbox from allrecipes.com and there’s some recipe in there I want to try. A show on the Food Network features a recipe that piques my interest. Flipping through a magazine, I see something fun and challenging I’d like to like to test myself with.
The sad reality: I never get around to making any of them. Truth be told, I don’t even remember which recipes I got most of these flours for. It’s really quite pathetic. I did actually get to open the cake flour the other night when I made those chocolate chip cookies, but I’m quite sure that’s not what I got it for.
Maybe one of these days, I’ll remember what I’m supposed to be making and actually do it. In the meantime, if you need to make any paper maché, you know who to talk to.
At 2:05 PM,
divaqueen said…
Wow, that is some collection of flour! I haven't done papier mache in years...we could make our own pinata!
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