Small Victories

Yesterday was my intervention. Full story on that later, but to give you a sneak peek, the festivities got me a good start on turning my office into a nursery. And in preparation for the girls to come over, I actually cleaned our disgusting half bath in the basement. That, too, warrants its own story.
I also cleaned up the laundry area, including getting all the lint off both the washer and dryer and vacuuming the little carpet in front of them. While doing so, I uncovered a tarantula-sized spider lying in wait when I moved a dustpan. HOLY CRAP, THAT THING WAS BIG!
In case you’re wondering, Rick captured it and re-released it into the wild, which is basically located at the top of our basement outside stairs, so I’ve been keeping my eye out for his (or her) return.
Fast forward to today. Rick had to get up at the butt crack of dawn (at least by our standards) to go to the airport for a work trip. That means I was pretty much up, too. So I went to 8 a.m. mass – yes, you read that right. On my way home, I stopped at Target and returned a shelf I bought that was too small.
Next stop: Home Depot for some shelf supports to fix the shelf above our stove that broke when Rick put ALL the flours from my flour article photo shoot on it instead of back in the basement.
Then I went to Bigg’s to pick up some groceries for my work lunch and stopped at Home Emporium to see if they still had any porch swings, something I want really, really, really badly. They didn’t. Big story here, tho, I did it all by 10 a.m.
Got home, changed the sheets, washed the old sheets and all our dirty towels. Cleaned up the leftover lunch dishes from yesterday. Went back to Home Depot for steel wool to stuff our fence post holes with (I’ve been told this helps keep the carpenter bees from nesting in there), washed our kitchen and laundry garbage cans and finally hung the bathroom curtains I bought in the hopes of getting them up before our annual Christmas party in 2006.
Whew! Now it’s time for bed.
At 5:55 AM,
divaqueen said…
Sounds like you rocked the casbah my friend! ;) I had a small victory of my own yesterday when I washed our sheets & quilt, another load of clothes, did the grocery shopping, made the bed, made dinner & loaded & ran the dishwaser. Whew! Remind me how I did all that when I was working full-time!!!!
At 11:06 PM,
meauxjeaux said…
Way to go! And don't worry, you'll figure it out because no one else will. :)
At 10:31 AM,
divaqueen said…
I know that's right! We'll see if Andy steps up to the plate!
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