Viva la France!
Because I don’t speak or read much French, those guys in general aren’t exactly clamoring to help, and I was cognizant of how weak the dollar is, I simply got a crepe with sugar on it. Oh my gah, was it tasty. And in many ways, it marked the beginning of the changing tide of how we felt about our trip.
Up until then, we were lukewarm on the whole experience due to a variety of reasons I won’t get into now. Suffice it to say, this first crepe put us on the rebound.
I got more adventurous – and loosened the old purse strings – with this one and ordered one with Nutella and bananas. Even better than the first! I had vaguely heard of Nutella before, but never actually had it. It’s a chocolate hazelnut spread. Who’s the genius that came up with this idea? Fantastic!
Last week, I was shopping at Costco when lo and behold, what do I see on one of the shelves but a double pack of Nutella. I promptly picked one up and decided to recreate the culinary treat we loved so much in gay Paris.
When I got home, I typed ‘how to make crepes’ into Google and the very first choice that came up was a great link to an in-depth, step-by-step, picture laden how-to created by someone at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
From the first crepe onward, they turned out textbook perfect. Perfectly browned. Perfectly rounded. And perfectly flipped. Yes, that’s right, I even flipped them, something the author said she couldn’t even do. [All that egg flipping is paying off in other areas.] And finally, perfectly rolled. I couldn’t have been more pleased –or more surprised – by the results.
*I halved it and it made 11 crepes, which were way more filling than I thought they’d be – we could only eat 2 each. Next time, I’d cut it down to ¼ recipe just for the two of us. It's true, an 8" nonstick pan does the trick; and resist the urge to spray Pam in there. It doesn't need it.
At 10:00 AM,
divaqueen said…
You never cease to amaze me with your culinary skills and I have to agree with on the is AWESOME!
At 5:24 PM,
Cara said…
OMG. Those crepes look awesome. And I lvoe that picture of Rick--too funny!
At 11:16 PM,
meauxjeaux said…
Mmmm. Just looking at this post makes me want to whip up another batch. Maybe this weekend. Or maybe I'll try the Orange-Anise Crepes recently discovered on AllRecipes. I'll let you know how they turn out if I try it.
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