My First Intervention

Yesterday, three of my girlfriends at work came into my office, closed my door and told me they were intervening. Intrigued, I couldn’t wait to hear what exactly they were talking about.
While I do have a larger than is probably healthy affinity for Jack Daniels, I haven’t had one in about 7 months now, courtesy of the parasite currently residing inside my stomach. And I was never into illegal drugs – I’m just too cheap and would much rather spend my dough on shoes or clothes or lipstick.
Turns out, they were offering their services to come to my house and take a clean sweep approach to getting the baby’s room ready. Another work friend had already offered to come by a week from Saturday, when the Rickster is out of town, to tackle the same project. Now it’s turning into a veritable party!
How nice it is to have good friends willing to take on such a major undertaking. Then it hit me: maybe they have no idea what they’re getting into. So to ensure that we’d still be friends afterwards, I showed them pictures of the ‘nursery’ as it stands today.
But also a little stressed – I now have a week to do a cursory cleaning before they come over lest I find all my stuff out on a tarp in the front yard with 30 minutes to decide what to keep, sell or toss.
At 5:05 PM,
Cara said…
That's great! Now I feel like a real jerk. Way to show me up, mysterious friends from meaux's work! I'll have to step up and help you out with another project, after this baby shower.
At 11:14 PM,
meauxjeaux said…
LOL. Don't worry – there's plenty to go around. :)
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