Taking the House by Storm

The trials and tribulations of the average gal trying to navigate through life, love and the pursuit of domestic bliss.

Friday, June 13, 2008

It Pays to Read the Label

My trusty broom was decapitated early on in the kitchen remodel. Not sure what exactly happened to it, but one day, I noticed its head just lying out on the back deck in the rain. Sad.

Not long after that, I was disturbed to see both my husband, Rick, and our friend and contractor, Jim, using another one of our brooms to sweep dry wall dust off the wall – it's the same broom we use in the basement to sweep up the wayward kitty litter. Gross!

Plus, it gave me a flashback to when I watched a former roommate clean the walls of her bathroom with her toilet brush when we were getting ready to move out. Yikes!

But I digress.

I don't get out much anymore, but my sweet little man, Ian, and I made it to Sam's Club the other day and miracle of miracles, I remembered to look for a broom.

They had a Libman version there. It looked sturdy and it was a good price, so I picked one up. As I was removed the plastic head cover, I decided to read it. Call me crazy, but I'm funny like that. Maybe it's because I'm an advertising copywriter, maybe I just need a hobby.

Regardless, I noticed on the back of this piece of plastic they had listed 'Expert Tip #22". It read:

"Get rid of spider webs and dirt! Put an old towel over the bristle head of your Libman brrom. Drag the broom head across your ceiling and into corners. Throw the towel in our next load of laundry."

While I'm not necessarily down with putting sticky, yucky spider web bits in with my body-cleaning towels, I thought it was a good tip. So when I saw the call to visit their web site for more cleaning tips, I figured I'd check it out.

It's a good little resource of their customers' cleaning tips, and they're not all related to Libman brooms. The set up could be a little better, but still interesting. So check it out when you get a chance. You may pick up a thing or two.


  • At 8:07 PM, Blogger divaqueen said…

    Thanks for the tips! I'm always looking for new & easier ways to do things. We just had to buy a new washer & dryer...ask Andy about plumbing & electrical work! :) Not nearly as nightmarish or time-consuming as your complete kitchen remodel job, but it certainly has had it's headaches. My grandpa built this house in the 40's. He was a mason by trade, not a plumber or an electrician! It's pretty redneck down in our basement!


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