Taking the House by Storm

The trials and tribulations of the average gal trying to navigate through life, love and the pursuit of domestic bliss.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Delusions of Grandeur

Today, the White Death descended upon Cincinnati. Translation: I got to leave work by 2 p.m. During the drive home, I was giddy with anticipation, contemplating all of the stuff I was going to accomplish when I got there. Iron clothes. Write cards and thank you notes. Clean up our pigsty of a bedroom. Make some homemade cinnamon rolls.

What really happened? I got home, fixed myself a breakfast burrito (I was starving!), and started going through my emails. My husband, Rick, who was working from home today, suggested we take a walk up to the Irish pub in our neighborhood for a hot drink. Sounded good to me.

Three and a half hours later, we came home and it was 7:30. We laid on the couch and bided our time before American Idol by watching Scarface. We just finished watching House. I’m going to post this story and go up to a messy bedroom.

Without any clothes ironed. Without any cards written. Without any fresh, hot cinnamon rolls.


In my own defense, I did clean up the kitchen after I made my lunch (and there were more dirty dishes than the ones I made), turned on the dishwasher, and finished some laundry (I know, I lied the other day – I still had one more load to go). So the day wasn’t a total wash. Besides, how often do you get a snow afternoon to spend with your sweetie?


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