Simply Awful
Ever buy something just because you have a coupon? I recently made that mistake in the international food aisle at my local Kroger. For some reason, 50¢ off any Simply Asia meal kit seemed like a good idea, even though the bag was steep at around $4.79. Just add meat, the bag said. 15 minutes, it added. So I decided to give it a try.
Let me just say this was the biggest grocery-related rip off I've ever fallen prey to. Yeah, it probably only took 15 minutes to put together – maybe even less. But really, the bulk of dish was made up of the chicken I added – which cost me in addition to what I paid for this bag of crap.
And I had to quickly boil up a bag of ramen noodles to supplement the small quantity of noodles provided – supposedly enough to feed 3-4 people. Maybe down in Whoville, but not here on earth.
While preparing the dish, the directions suggested I also add in my own green vegetables. That would have been nice to know up front. But one has to wonder: what exactly is the point of getting this kit if you have to add so many extras? Which is my point exactly: don't do it.